I’m Aditi (uh-di-ti) Malhotra (mull-ho-traa).
I’m a public health writer, independent journalist, and spoken word artist currently living in Oakland, CA. I use narrative strategy, research, reporting and digital production to highlight the human experience.
My editorial writing and digital production practice spans 10 years across two of the world’s largest democracies—India and the United States. I lead projects and report stories typically at the intersection of gender and migration, mental health and education, food and identity, and books. Publications that have supported my news writing and narrative nonfiction stories include the Huffington Post, PBS Newshour, theAtlantic.com, the Wall Street Journal, the Hechinger Report, Chicago Sun-Times, among others. I’ve also written for U.S.-based print/digital magazines like, Diversity Woman, Bay Nature and Briefings. I’m currently writing a community health guidebook on epilepsy and seizures from a global health and social justice perspective at Hesperian Health Guides.
While in lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, I started hand-writing spoken word and experimenting with the personal essay form. Now, I frequently perform that material at open mics in the east Bay Area and am slowly beginning to publish some of it too.